

My name is Luna or Selene, which each means the same thing,"daughter of the moon." I am a Pagan. I consider myself a witch-- as many Pagans do. I am a first generation witch,meaning, I come from was born and raised into -- a Christian household. I have always been a natural witch,finding myself being very close to nature. As a child, I was often found climbing trees and talking with nature. Not to mention speaking to an invisible friend! I plan to help people like me explore the Pagan religion as a first time Pagan who has no experience. Many times people say "Keep It Simple Stupid" (or KISS) but I just say Keep it  simple. When starting out, you may wish to find covens or other witches who wish to help others. But please, as with anything else,watch out for those who will use you or harm you for their own selfish purpose, with no thought for you. When--and --if you find someone to help teach you or guide you,be sure they will teach you what you believe or the ide


A week ago today I was told there was a gun, and I was held up at work. Me being Bipolar and also Manic depressive I just shut down and tried to explain why I couldn't open the drawer. Now I am a born and raised Miami girl and I have never had to carry a weapon yet now it seems a weapon is what people think I should carry a taser a gun a knife even a can or pork and beans. Being Wicca My feel respect all Harm None is My creed A knife to Me is a tool an athamae  or a bolin. For Me to carry a weapon is so against who I am and what I have known My whole life. Have I become Lost in this new age of Dog eat Dog is it now Winner takes all has Bullying become a way of life that We must either die or carry weapons Someone Please explain  Thank You


So today I realized we were in blackberry winter so I brought the herbs and plants in thinking it would be a good idea but little did I realize that ferrets love dirt now they have tract dirt all over the dinning room Lucy has some on her nose  and I am not sure if pan has any dirt on Him but I wouldn't be surprised. Me I am laying on the floor in the dinning room which I have turned into kind of a zen room love it. I guess the kids are done playing in the dirt they have left the room. Maybe animals aren't trying to be messy like humans think they are but maybe they are just doing what comes natural to them I feel so blessed By the Spirit for the gift of ferrets and also of the herbs and plants that have come into My Life . May we all feel blessed for the Gifts That Our Lords and Ladies have given Us Blessed Be.

My thoughts of the day

Last Night I spent a wonderful evening with My friend and Mentor. We had tea and discussed life and I had lessons for which I am grateful of. We discussed everything and anything then it came to things about a topic I have been working on for awhile Living In My truth and Harm None. What about This above All to Thy Known self Be True .So Many many thought in My head We laughed and talked about things I have only touched on My personal life my way of Life and the kind of life I have. I am very open to anything I try to live in My truth and I harm none.I told her many thing that has happend in the past week to Me and how I handled them. How I feel I did right and lived in My truth. I learned so much last night about Me, My family and Friends. I put so much trust in others to Be true to Me but are They really living in There truth. Everyone is different how do They know what There truth is most people live day to day accepting what the world offers without thought. I have lea

dedication and life

Today I was able to meditate but not fully I baked and made My first loaf of bread in My new Home and also made moon cookies. I am proud of Myself I know My dedication and My affirmation helps Me                                Personal Affirmation                            "I now declare Myself Luna BendingWillow. I am Woman, Pagan, Peace Maker Bringer of Kindness, Comfort and Compassion .   I am Maiden, Mother, and Crone... I am seeker of My Truth and above all I am a Sacred Child of Spirit !" So Mote It Be ........


I recently dedicated Myself to My faith I am proud and joyous by the occasion I feel blessed to have had some of My friends and family there to view it I feel blessed from what I have learned so far. I have learned that for me to better Myself I need to be healthy for My body is a temple, I also have learned some people are toxic and I have to send them away or hurt Myself by becoming toxic also Thanks To all My friends Blessed Be to All


I feel so lost and alone but when I spend time with Pan or My friends it lets Me know I am not alone in this world I am not the lone ranger just have to look at Pan as I cuddle Him I feel perfect love and perfect trust tried to see how He does with a leash didn't work to good maybe next time what is very strange is how when ever I am happy all I have to do is call a certain person and I can feel so like nothing so like a speck of dirt if even that I'm so tired so lost I know I am important I know I am alive I am a good person a good witch and yet with just a word I can allow Myself to be destroyed. Why is That?  Why do I allow Myself to be treated with disrespect and abuse when I am happy?                                                                    Blessed Be So Motto It Be